Conference-performance to observe the digital environment
Published on 06.06.2022
We started June with a conference day on Friday 3rd, that gave us important food for thought. Thanks to the reception of the Lab UFR STAPS of the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon, we were able to put together several broad and varied ideas on the theme of the digital environment and its application to arts and sciences. Artists and scientists questioned the topics of neuroscience, computer science, anthropology of communication, drawing, dance and collaborative performance. A very wide range that makes us reflect on the heterogeneity of the subject approached, on the presence of digital in our daily life and on the changes in practices and thinking that are already underway, and that are embodied in us. The speakers were Thierry Pozzo, Fabienne Martin-Juchat, Christophe Nicolle, Renaud Chabrier, Jean-François Jégo, Laurent Bonnotte, Margherita Bergamo Meneghini, and the post-conference performance has been assured by the dancers of Compagnie Voix (Élise Boileau, Camille Chevalier and Benjamin Labruyère) and Laurent Bonnotte drawing at the computer.

Video extract :